View eastwards along Boxworth Road from opposite the chapel manse, the
Baptist chapel and Essex House on the right.
This picture dates from around 1913. These views
are very similar and may be from the same negative but the prints have
been offset slightly. The print on the right shows part of a
sign possibly one the end of the George and Dragon outbuilding that was
at one time a shoemakers and menders.

View of Rogers Walk around 1913 close to the Rectory Drive visible on
the right. The large house on the left is The Limes which is
largely unchanged. The wooden fence borders the original
called Roger's Close which was developed in the 1960s. The
telegraph pole and wire is also visible. |

View from the bridge over the brook at the junction with Brook
Street and Paddock Row around 1913. On the left is Knibbs
butchers shop and on the right is a dairy, now Forge Cottage.
The telegraph wire going to the post and telegraph office in Brook
Street is visible by the bridge.
These pictures are slightly different but may be prints from the same
negative or plate. One picture is postmarked October 17 1911
indicating the view dates from before this time.

View of "Cowdell End" (Boxworth Road) looking east. This
may have been taken before 1913 as the road is not made up and a tree
obscures the outbuildings of Essex House. |

A slightly different version of the picture to the left which may have
been printed from the same negative. |

Copy of a postcard posted in 1922 showing "Cowdell End" but now called the High Street.

Boxworth village church, possibly in the 1930s. There is no
of any power cables in the picture. |

Boxworth village school in the 1900s. |

Pupils at Boxworth village school with their teacher Nell Richardson,
Daisy Papworth's sister. This picture was probably taken in
1930s. |

picture of The Limes in 1912 when it was occupied by the Papworth
family (standing on the pavement). They are (right to left)
Papworth, Elsie Papworth, Leslie Papworth, Dora Papworth. |

The Baptist Chapel in Boxworth Road, probably in the early 1900s and
clearly in use. There was a schoolroom on the left side of
The right hand picture shows a wider view of the same building,
possibly from the same negative or plate. A thatched barn is
visible behind the chapel. |

Some early Elsworth cyclists on Boxworth Road close to the chapel and
Essex House. |

Dale Farm in Boxworth Road, taken from the entrance to the farmyard of
Bown's Farm. |

Dale Farm on Boxworth Road, possibly in the 1930s with the George and
Dragon in the background. The village shop that stood between
pub and Dale Farm and served the village for many years had not been
built at this time. |

The windmill at the crossroads when it was in use. |

The windmill at the crossroads in 1934, with the cap and sails removed
and in a derelict state. |

View up the drive from Boxworth Road to the old windmill when it was

The old windmill in the 1930s after restoration and conversion to a

Cottages that stood on Boxworth Road between Essex House and the
farmyard of Brown's Farm. This may date from the 1930s as the
barn is roofed with corrugated iron. |

Boxworth Road seen from the air, probably in the early 1960s.
village shop (Hancox Stores) can be seen next to the George and Dragon. |

View looking up the rectory driveway, probably in the early 1900s.
A track branches off to the right to serve the rectory farm. |

Morris Dancers at the Evans' house in July 1990 during the Elsworth
village festival. |

Boxworth Road during the 1950s or early 1960s. The road is
paved and electricity poles are visible. The cottages between
Essex House and Brown's Farm have gone but the new houses have not yet
been built. |

George and Dragon pub in the 1960s or 1970s. |

The workshop that used to stand by the George and Dragon.
was operated by the Wilderspin Family. One of the men outside may have
Harry Metcalfe and the other was Charlie Noble (holding the shovel). |

View from the Smith Street side of the bridge of the butcher's shop and
Forge Cottage opposite. The object on the left foreground is
water pipe for filling water carriers. There were others in
Cotterell's Lane and Broad End. |

Martin's Farm on Boxworth Road in the early 1900s. The people
are the Murden family, left to right Charlie Murden, Mrs Murden and
Mark Murden. The house was destroyed by fire in the early
and rebuilt as a bungalow. The original thatched dovecote
survives. |

Martin's Farm before it was destroyed by fire, taken in 1955.

Martins Farm from the front after the fire in 1960s. |

Martin's Farm from the west after the fire in the 1960s. |

Back of Martin's Farm after the fire in the 1960s. |

Fire brigade and onlookers at Martin's Farm at the time of the fire. |

No 55 Boxworth Road in snow during the winter of 1961-1962. |

Rogers Close just before building started with plots marked out.
The glasshouses at the bottom of Duncock Lane are visible in
background. |

Building starts on Rogers Close in 1965. In the distance the
glasshouses of the smallholding at the end of Duncock Lane can be seen. |

Building in Rogers Close nears completion 1966-1967. |

New houses built on the site of Brown's Farm barns 1973-1974. |

Main drains came to Elsworth in 1974. Here there are being
in Boxworth Road opposite Knibbs butchers shop. |

Main drains being laid along Rogers Walk in 1974. |

Boxworth Road closed at Rogers Close while new drains are laid in 1974. |

Main drains being laid in Boxworth Road close to Dale Farm, visible in
the background. |

Main drains being laid in front of Martins Farm in 1974. |

Boxworth Road in the area of the George and Dragon 1979-1981. |

The old house at 55 Boxworth Road in 2014 prior to demolition. |

Garage at number 55 prior to demolition. |

Number 55 being demolished in the autumn of 2014. The swings
by children can been seen in the background. |

Only the western end of number 55 remains. |

The empty plot where number 55 once stood. |

"The Limes" in the 1990s. The exterior has changed little since
the early 20th century (see previous photo from 1912). |

New house built in the original garden of The Limes, seen in the 1990s.
The house is between The Limes and the outbuildings of the
and Dragon pub. |

Junction of Boxworth Road and Brook Street in the 1990s. The
front of 1 Boxworth Road (formerly the butcher's shop) has changed with
one of the front doors bricked up. The shop is now beside the
building. |

Knibbs butcher's shop around 1996. The shop adjoined the
contained the original butchers shop in one of the rooms of the house.
A sign in the window advertises Unwins seeds 1996. |

The junction of Boxworth Road, Brook Street and Paddock Row in the
1990s. 1 Boxworth Road (the butcher's shop) and Forge Cottage are
visible. |

The George and Dragon in the 1990s. |

Chestnut Villa seen in the 1990s. The appeance of the house and
barn has changed significantly since this photo was taken. |

The council housesbetween Chestnut Villa and Roger's Close facing
Boxworth Road in the 1990s. They are largely unchanged today. |

Cordell House (formerly Hancox Stores) in the 1990s. The building
altered considerably since and the old shopfront has gone. |

The new house built in the garden of the original Hancox Stores (now
Cordell House) in the 1990s. |

The Baptist Chapel in Boxworth Road during the 1990s. The
dates from around 1830.

The Baptist Chapel in Boxworth Road, possibly in the 1980s.
the front door is obscured by bushes.

The Baptist Chapel in Boxworth Road seen from the west in the 1990s.

The Manse adjoining the Baptist Chapel for the use of the minister,
seen in the 1990s.

Dale Farm in Boxworth Road during the 1990s. Dale Farm dates
1840. |

The old Victorian stables at Dale Farm in the 1990s. |

Martin's Farm in the 1990s. The original thatched farmhouse
burned down in the 1960s and was replaced with a bungalow. A
thatched dovecote in the grounds survived the fire and is still there. |

The farmyard at Martin's Farm in the 1990s. |

A view along Boxworth Road showing the Manse, Baptist Chapel and Essex
House in the 1990s.

Essex House in the 1990s before a very similar house was built on part
of the plot.

Mulberry House (No 46) was built on the site of a small terrace of three cottages
that stood on Boxworth Road next to Brown's farmyard. |

Two of the houses built on the old farmyard of Brown's farm, seen in
the 1990s. |

Three houses built in the 1980s on the farmyard belonging to Brown's
farm. The original farmhouse is visible on the left of the
picture. |

Brown's Farm in the 1990s. The farmyard that was to the right
the house has been redeveloped. |

The house built on land next to the Brown's Farm house after the
farmland and farmyard was sold off. This picture shows it in
1990s. |

The house built on land next to the Brown's Farm house in
1990s |

This house originally belonged to the owner of Scambler's agricultural
engineering works based in the old POW camp outside the village.
The works is now the Castle Acres industrial estate owned by
Franklin Trust..

Betty Evans' home in Boxworth Road in the 1990s. It has since
been demolished. |

Brown's Farm grain store in the 1990s when it was still in use.
Recycling banks were also sited there (right of picture).
The building is now used for storage. |

Summerlin farm in the 1990s on Boxworth Road. It stands at
edge of the village next to the old grain store. |

The farmyard at Summerlin Farm in the 1990s. |

The now disused slaughter shop on Boxworth Road in the 1990s.
This supplied the butcher's shop in the village. |

The original farmhouse at the market garden being restored.

The wattle and daub walls inside the old cottage during restoration

This was a farmhouse originally associated with glasshouses at the
bottom of Duncock Lane. The glasshouses have long since been
demolished and replaced with housing. |

The back of the old farmhouse (previous picture) showing the
considerable extensions by the 1990s. |

A bungalow on land at the side of Duncock Lane in the 1990s. |

A second bungalow on the eastern side of Duncock Lane in the 1990s. |

Houses at the Boxworth Road end of Roger's Close in the 1990s. |

Lower part of Roger's Close in the 1990s. Some of the houses
been extended since being built. |

A short side street in Roger's Close in the 1990s. The houses
the far end of it back onto Duncock Lane. |

A view
of Roger's Close further down in the 1990s. The post is still
delivered by bicycle.. |

Some houses in Rogers Close have been extended since the estate was
built in the 1960s. This shows one of the houses prior to being
extended |

Two stages of the house extension being built during 2003.

The completed extension in 2007 with the extension looking very similar
to the original 1960s construction. |